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Imagine a high shine blow-dry that's right on the mark, courtesy of Oway Hbright.

 Imagine a high shine blow-dry that's right on the mark, courtesy of Oway Hbright.

Step into hair pampering paradise with our upgraded experience. Picture a flawless high shine blow-dry powered by the one and only Oway Hbright.

This is the secret to adding that irresistible brilliance to your hair, taking your style up a notch without a hitch. And guess what? While you chill and soak up the good vibes, our skilled pros are on it. They're all about cranking up your hair's shine, while also giving those strands some extra TLC by keeping them strong. It's like a chill hangout where your hair's beauty gets a serious boost, leaving you with seriously radiant and strong locks. Welcome to your hair's new happy place!


NOTE: This does not include a finishing service, if you require a blow-dry or a wash cut and finish, please book separately.

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