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Meet Oway, or 'Organic Way' if you prefer the full name. They're all about taking care of your hair in a way that's good for you and the planet. With an eco-friendly vibe, Oway offers a bunch of hair products like hair baths and masks, styling products, and even hair colour treatments. They're big on using not only organic ingredients but also biodynamic, eco-friendly packaging, and they're all about being ethical. So, you can have fab hair and feel good about it too!

Sustainable hair salon Arnold Nottingham




means growing zero-mile plants, flowers and

medicinal and aromatic shrubs on our ORTOFFICINA estate,

on the hills of Bologna. It means choosing the biodynamic


method - the healthiest and cleanest, which does not re-

quire the use of chemicals - to obtain pure, ultra-efective es-

sential oils, hydrolates and extracts that become active ingre-

dients in OWAY treatments.


agricosmetics® is packaging OWAY formulas, rich in natu-

ral ingredients, only in glass and aluminium, precious, pro-

tective and completely recyclable materials. agricosmetics®


means eliminating plastic, which is highly polluting, and un-

necessary and superfluous packaging and making the nec-

essary tools exclusively in eco-sustainable paper, wood,


metal, cotton: natural materials that convey authentic

sensations. It means using renewable energy for business

processes to reduce the environmental footprint.


agricosmetics® is creating concentrated products, rich

in active ingredients so that, in the salon and at home,

they are used in the right quantities, thus avoiding waste.




is a way of thinking, a way of life, a con-

scious choice. It is putting care, conscience and attention


in every choice and action, and creating quality products

that respect environment and people.

Sustainable hair salon Arnold Nottingham
Sustainable hair salon Arnold Nottingham


The name Organic Way has a very precise meaning: it is a way of approaching everyday life and of approaching cosmetics. We start from an eco-design mindset based on 100% sustainable standards, immersing ourselves in the healthiest green options available, minimising the impact to our plant and putting all this together with quality, innovation and every day design, in every choice and action we undertake, starting from the company itself.

While travelling the road of Circular Agricosmetics, we discovered that good habits are contagious. We learned to go beyond that which seemed impossible and to bring to life processes – as well as products – that are efficient, but also sustainable. To achieve this, a focus on tireless research and coherence is needed, proceeding in circles, without ever retracing the same itinerary. And showing the outside world the essence of the values, actions and places that guide our everyday choices.

We cancel 100% of the carbon emissions generated by our company through eco-design, the use of 0 Km raw materials from organic and biodynamic agriculture, virtuous production processes, the use of renewable energy, the choice of sustainable packaging and materials, offset projects.


A home can be called as such only when everything that is part of it reflects the values of those who live there.

The colours, materials, lights, furnishings, green areas, natural walkways and relaxation areas enclosed within our facilities have been conceived with the aim of reducing the polluting impact outside and inside the walls of our habitat, but even more, to promote an ecological and responsible lifestyle.

Anyone who works for Oway can count on the availability of a personal ecological kit, which completely eliminates the use of plastic from our offices, and on running water treated on site as an alternative to plastic bottled water.

Gradually, every corner of the company has welcomed a small botanical microcosm inside it, transforming into a pleasant and liveable refuge: a working environment that is an oasis of well-being, helping to bring people in contact with nature and inspiring them to care for their plants.

Sharing your office with a plant means rediscovering a sense of serenity and balance and learning how to take care of vegetation: an opportunity that none of us should neglect, today more than ever.

Sustainable hair salon Arnold Nottingham
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